Crochet Red Booties Free Pattern
Hello amigurumi lovers and beautiful visitors, I wanted to share the free amigurumi patterns for you here. In my article I will share 1 pattern and how to make it for you. At the end of my article, I will share amigurumi patterns that can generate ideas for you.
You will need:
Knitting hook 3.5mm
Double connection yarn twisted from 8 threads – Patons Cotton Blend
A shady needle or needle with a large ear
Yarn colors:
( Palette of used colors )
Bright red
Scheme for sizes for 0-6 months. For 6-12 months, see in parentheses.
Succession Length:
For 0-6 months – 9cm
For 6-12 months – 10cm
VP – air loop
SSN — cape with cape
PSN – half-column with nakid
SBN – pillar without cape
SS – connection column
Following. – next ( loop )
p – loop
*…* — repeat the indicated number of times from the asterisk to the asterisk
SBN decrease – tie 2 columns together as 1 SBN
PSN decrease — tie 2 columns together as 1 PSN
SSN decrease — tie 2 columns together as 1 CCH
Knitting density:
1 inch = 4 rows of 5 PSN
Calling Scheme
Take a 3.5mm knitting hook and yarn bright red, type 11 VP ( 13 VP ).
We knit on the spiral.
1 row – 2 PSN in the second hook loop. Next 8 ( 10 ) p 1 PSN. 6 PSN in the last VP. ( Note: now we begin to knit on the other side of the typed chain ). Next 8 ( 10 ) p 1 PSN. 2 PSN in the last p. Total number of loops 26 ( 30 ).
2 row – in the first 2 p to 2 PSN. Next 8 ( 10 ) p 1 PSN, next. 6 p on 2 CCN, 1 PSN per next. 8 ( 10 ) p, 2 PSN per next. 2 loops. Total number of loops 36 ( 40 ).
3 row – in the first 2 p to 1 PSN., Next. 3 p 2 PSN, next. 5 ( 7 ) p 1 PSN, next. 3 p to 1 CCN, * 2 CCN in one p, 1 CCN per next. p * — repeat 6 times. Following. 3 p to 1 CCN. Following. 5 ( 7 ) p 1 PSN. Following. 2 p to 2 PNS, 1 PSN and 1 SBN in the last p. Complete the row using the SS. Total number of loops 48 ( 52 ). Trim the thread and refuel the remaining tail.
Tie the sole for the second kicking.
We knit on the spiral.
1 row — start knitting from the middle of the ass, fixing the thread bright red. 1 VP, 1 SBN in the same p, but only behind the back wall. ( Note: continue knitting on the back wall of the loop ). Next 47 ( 51 ) p 1 SBN.
2-3 row — 1 SBN in each p in a circle.
Note: if you knit for a size of 6-12 months, then tie another 1 additional row.
4 row – next. 14 ( 16 ) p 1 SBN, * 1 SBN decrease, 1 SBN next. p * — repeat 7 times. Next 13 ( 15 ) p 1 SBN. Total number of loops 41 ( 45 ).
5 row – in the first p 1 SBN, 1 decrease in SBN, next. 10 ( 12 ) p 1 SBN, * 1 decrease in SBN, 1 SBN per next. p* — repeat 5 times. Following. 10 ( 12 ) p 1 SBN, 1 SBN decrease, 1 SBN in the last p. Total number of loops 34 ( 38 ).
6 row – in the following. 11 ( 13 ) p 1SBN, 2 SPN decreases, 2 SSN decreases, 2 PSN decreases. Next 11 ( 13 ) p 1 SBN. Total number of loops 28 ( 32 ).
7 row – 1 SBN in each p in a circle. Complete the row using the SS. Trim the thread and refuel the remaining tail.
Repeat knitting according to the scheme for the second tweezers.
We knit on the spiral.
1 row – take a hook for knitting 3.5mm and yarn white, type 2 VP. In the first p 6 SBN. Total number of loops 6.
2 row – 2 SBN in each p in a circle. Total number of loops 12.
3 row – 1 SBN in each p in a circle.
4th row – 6 SBN dodges. Complete the row using the SS. Total number of loops 6. Trim the thread and hide the remaining ponytail.
Repeat knitting according to the scheme 4 times for 2 pairs of eyes.
Take the heel needle and sew 2 eyes on the front side of the knitted kennels, closer to the top.
Take a 3.5mm knitting hook and a black yarn, dial 2 VP. In the first p 6 SBN. Complete the row using the SS. Total number of loops 6. Trim the thread and hide the remaining ponytail.
Repeat knitting according to the scheme 4 times for 2 pairs of pupils.
Take the heel needle and sew 1 handle in the center of each eye.
We knit on the spiral.
1 row — Take a hook for knitting 3.5mm and yarn orange, type 2 VP. In the first p 6 SBN. Total number of loops 6.
2 row – 2 SBN in each p in a circle. Total number of loops 12.
3 row – 1 SBN in each p in a circle.
4th row – 6 SBN dodges. Complete the row using the SS. Total number of loops 6. Trim the thread and hide the remaining ponytail.
Repeat knitting according to the scheme for 2 noses. Take the heel needle and sew 1 nose into the center of each tweezers, immediately under the eyes.
Feel free to tag me (@freeamigurumii) in your photos on Instagram or Facebook if you’d like!
All Finished.