Amigurumi Tiny Cute Calf Free Pattern
Hello amigurumi lovers and beautiful visitors, I wanted to share the free amigurumi patterns for you here. In my article I will share 1 pattern and how to make it for you. At the end of my article, I will share amigurumi patterns that can generate ideas for you.
Front Legs have a look 6sc
2.6inc 12sc
3. (2sc 1ınc) 4 *, 16sc
tie the white rope
5-14. 9 rows 16 sc
15- 16. 2 rows 18sc
17.3sc, 1inc,9cs, 1sc, 4sc 20sc
18. 20sc
19.6sc, 1inc, 5sc, 1inc, 7sc 22sc
Rear Legs
1 .mr 6sc
2.6inc 12s 14.6sc, 1inc, 6sc, 1inc, 2sc 18sc
3. (2sc, 1inc) 4 * 16sc
tie the white rope
5-10. 6 rows 16 sc
11.3sc, 2ınc, 1sc, 1inc, 9sc 19sc
12. 19sc
13.4sc, 1inc, 2sc, 1inc, 1sc, 1inc, 9sc 22sc
14 .22sc
15. 17sc, 10, (1sc, 1inc) 2 * 25sc
16 .25sc
17. 11sc, 1inc, 4sc, 1inc, 8sc 27sc
18–19 .27 sc
1.10ch check back turn bat 1inc 7sc 4sc to last chain ch 8sc 21sc to other side
2.1inc, 1sc, 1inc, 7sc.1inc, 1sc, 1inc, 8sc 25sc
3. (1inc1sc) 2 *, 1inc 7 sc, (1inc1sc) 2 * 1inc 8sc 31sc
4.1sc.1inc. (2sc1inc) 2 *, 8sc, (1inc2sc) 2 *, 1inc, 8sc 37sc
5.2sc, 1inc, (3sc1inc) 2 *, 9sc 1inc, (3sc, 1inc) 2 * 8sc 43sc
6 . (2xsc1ınc) 24, (3sc1ınc) 2 * 9sc1ınc. 2sc1ınc, (3sc1ınc) 2 * 8sc 51sc
7. (3sc 1inc) 2 * (4sc 1inc) 2 * 10sc, 1inc, 3sc.1inc (4sc 1inc) 2 *, 8sc59sc.
Joining the legs
Knit 2sc, merge front leg with 6sc.
8sc knit, merge other front leg with 6sc.
Knit 11sc, merge back leg with 9sc.
Knit 4sc, merge other hind leg with 9sc. It’s done.
Knit 9sc, knit around 1sc in the same place as the first sc on the front leg.
Knit 16sc break, 8sc knit around 1sc in the same place as first sc on other front leg.
Knit 16sc 11sc knit around 1sc in the same place as the first sc on the back leg knit 18sc.
4sc knit around 1sc in the same place as sc on the other hind leg 18sc.
9-18. 9 row 104sc
19. (15sc, 1dec) * 6,2sc (98)
20.23. 4 rows 98sc
24.11sc, 1dec, (5sc, 1dec) * 4,3sc, 1dec, 13sc, 1dec, (3sc, 1dec) * 6, 7sc, (85sc)
25.15sc, 1inc, (5sc, 1inc) * 2, 2sc, 1inc, 22sc (1dec, 2sc) * 4, 1dec, 10sc (76sc)
26.50sc, (1dec, 2sc) * 4,1dec, 8sc (71sc)
27.48sc, (1dec, 3sc) * 3,1dec, 6sc (67sc)
28.47sc, 6dec, 8sc (61sc)
29.46sd, 5dec, 5sc (56sc)
30.46sd e.g. reduce 4 stitches at once 6sc e.g. 53sc
31.34sc eg backwards 23sc count 23.Sc ‘e bat neck
32-33. knit the neck part 2 rows straight.
1– mr 6sc
2-6inc (12sc)
3 – (1sc1inc) 6 * 18sc
4– (2sc1ınc) 6 * 24sc
5– (3sc1inc) 6 * 30sc
6– (4sc1inc) 6 * 36sc
7 – (5sc1inc) 6 * 42sc
8– (6sc1inc) 6 * 48sc
9 – (7sc1inc) 6 * 54sc
10-8sc1ınc) 6 * 60sc
11–28. 18 rows 60 sc
29– (8sc1dec) 6 * 54sc
30-7sc1dec) 6 * 48sc
31– (6sc1dec) 6 * 42sc
32– (5sc1dec) 6 * 36sc
33– (4sc1dec) 6 * 30sc
34– (3sc1inc) 6 * 24sc.
Blackness of the Eye
1– mr 6sc
2-6inc (12sc)
3– (1sc1nc) 6 18sc
4– (2sc1ınc) 6 * 24sc
5– (3sc1inc) 6 * 30sc
6– (4sc1inc) 6 * 36sc
7 -(5sc1inc) 6 * 42sc
1 .mr 6sc
2 . (1sc1inc) 3 * 9sc
3-5. 3 rows 9sc
Mouth Making
1.7ch check back turn bat 1inc, 5sc into 4sc end in ch 5sc to the other side (16sc)
2.2inc, 5sc1inc, 2sc1inc, 5sc (20sc)
3. (1inc1sc) * 2,1inc, 5sc (1inc1sc) * 2.1inc, 5sc (26sc)
4. (1sc1inc) * 3,8sc, 1inc, x, 10,12,15,6x (32x)
5.1x, 15.3x, 17.1x, 1v, 1sc, 7inc, (2sc, 1inc) * 2.7sc (38sc)
6. (4sc1inc) * 2,13sc1inc, 5sc1inc, 8sc (42sc)
7-12.6 rows of straight knitting 42sc
Ear Making
1-mr 6sc
2-6inc (12sc)
3– (1sc, 1inc) 6 * 18sc
4– (2sc, 1inc) 6 * 24sc
5– (3sc, 1inc) 6 * 30sc
6– (4sc, 1inc) 6 * 36sc
7.45sc, 1inc) 6 * 42sc
Knit 2 pieces in 2 different colors. The 42sc is finished by connecting the flat parts to the outside and knit around.
1.7ch pull back bat (6sc)
2. 2ch check back turn 2 ch bat (7sc)
3–4. 2 row (7sc)
5. 6ch, turn back bat (13sc)
6.2ch, back to bat (14sc)
7-9. 3 rows (14sc)
10.5ch, turn back 2 ch bat (12sc)
11-14 4 rows (12sc)
15.6ch, turn back 2 ch bat (13sc)
16–21 6 rows (13sc)
22.5ch check back turn 2 ch bat (12sc)
23–25. Knit 3 rows of straight knit around.
1.8 ch pull back bat 7sc check back bat 6cs
3.3ch check back bat 9cs
4.3ch check back bat 11sc
6.4 ch, return bat 15sc
7.4ch, turn back bat 18sc
8-9. 2 rows 18sc
11. 14sc
12–15. 14sc
17.9sc _
18.7sc _
1-mr 6sc
2– (1sc1dec) 3 * 9sc
3–4 .9sc
5-9inc 18sc
Feel free to tag me (@freeamigurumii) in your photos on Instagram or Facebook if you’d like!
All Finished.